Saturday 21 July 2012

"There is a new Playground Slide and everyone is invited. It is a rather fantastic Slide that changes colours according to the sliders' mood like that of a mood ring. Red for adventurous, energized or excited, Yellow for imaginative, or just ok feeling, Bronze for jitters or Pink for fear. It has multiple parallel sideways and an underground downward spiral that no one knows how deep but the colour bright Pink can be seen emanating from below. With different, unexpected turns and accelerated speed, the ride seems to go on forever, leaving the sliders to their mindstuff...sliding deeper and deeper. Once you have taken the plunge, it is not probable to climb your way out but it is not impossible to exit the slippery Slide before reaching the bottom, and many have been successful. Look for the slit that reveals the rainbow or say Aum until your brain clears all its junks. I've already said too much, you see... the more I say it, the more likely you might fix it into something and you will be partly right about it too. Just not the absolute", the crazy man exclaimed.

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