Saturday, 17 December 2011

Suffering says, "I want nothing".
Hero replies, "That is something".
The two then fall into the absence of words.
With eyes closed, Suffering sees self - a vortex of war, famine, lust, illness and decay, all within a black hole.

It starts to snow, and water turns cold.
The two begin to crystalize, like a snow flake in winter time.
A titan on a journey walks by and stops.
Curiously, he stares at the two: one absolute, the other deep, and deeper.
There seems to be a recurring pattern...He steps closer...
A vortex of somesort with stuff too miniscule for sight.
The titan tries to open his eyes largely, and there within his green pupils, 
a reflection forms in an instant and soon multiplies into the deep abyss of many.
Becoming and becoming again, and again.

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