Saturday, 31 December 2011

Two guards before a prison. One nonchalant the other not.

Uniformity: "Just one, not two".

Conformity: "Can be many but all must be the same.
Minions who believe...they are the masters.
False utopia fed with deceits
Spacetime and dreams buried deep
Every moment quite asleep".

Uniformity: "Energy, Life, Death, quantum theory of the west. A pattern of significance".

The nonchalant guard finally speaks,"The traveller has reached the end of the journey. In the freedom of the infinite he is free from all sorrows, the fetters that bound him are thrown away, and the burning fever of life is no more".
The nonchalant One then strangely and swiftly becomes a specturm of colours before into nothingness. It is such a stunning stillness that even Time involuntarily stops to watch.

"Ooooo...was that Buddha"? "Nah, everyone is a buddha nowadays".

The words echoes through the prison walls... and a quiet awakening begins to be.

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